
function utf2gb(utfstr)
 for dig=1 to len(utfstr)
 if mid(utfstr,dig,1)="%" then
 if len(utfstr) >= dig+8 then
 gbstr=gbstr & convchinese(mid(utfstr,dig,9))
 gbstr=gbstr & mid(utfstr,dig,1)
 end if
 gbstr=gbstr & mid(utfstr,dig,1)
 end if
end function

function convchinese(x)

 for i=0 to ubound(a)
 for i=0 to ubound(a)-1
 for j=1 to digs-1
 if j=1 then
 unicode=unicode & a(i)
 unicode=unicode & a(i)
 end if

 if len(c2to16(unicode))=4 then

convchinese=convchinese & chrw(int("&h" & c2to16(unicode)))
 convchinese=convchinese & chr(int("&h" & c2to16(unicode)))
 end if
end function
function c2to16(x)
 for i=1 to len(x) step 4
 c2to16=c2to16 & hex(c2to10(mid(x,i,4)))
end function

function c2to10(x)
 if x="0" then exit function
 for i= 0 to len(x) -1
 if mid(x,len(x)-i,1)="1" then c2to10=c2to10+2^(i)
end function

function c16to2(x)
 for i=1 to len(trim(x))
 tempstr= c10to2(cint(int("&h" & mid(x,i,1))))
 do while len(tempstr)<4
 tempstr="0" & tempstr
 c16to2=c16to2 & tempstr
end function

function c10to2(x)

 if x<2^digs then
 exit do
 end if

 for i=digs to 1 step-1
 if tempnum>=2^(i-1) then
 c10to2=c10to2 & "1"
 c10to2=c10to2 & "0"
 end if
 if mysign=-1 then c10to2="-" & c10to2
end function

function toutf8(szinput)
 dim wch, uch, szret
 dim x
 dim nasc, nasc2, nasc3
 if szinput = "" then
 toutf8 = szinput
 exit function
 end if
 for x = 1 to len(szinput)
 wch = mid(szinput, x, 1)
 nasc = ascw(wch)
 if nasc < 0 then nasc = nasc + 65536
 if (nasc and &hff80) = 0 then
 szret = szret & wch
 if (nasc and &hf000) = 0 then
 uch = "%" & hex(((nasc \ 2 ^ 6)) or &hc0) & hex(nasc and &h3f or &h80)

szret = szret & uch
 uch = "%" & hex((nasc \ 2 ^ 12) or &he0) & "%" & _
 hex((nasc \ 2 ^ 6) and &h3f or &h80) & "%" & _
 hex(nasc and &h3f or &h80)
 szret = szret & uch
 end if
 end if
 toutf8 = szret
end function

function chinese2unicode(str)
 dim i
 dim str_one
 dim str_unicode
 if(isnull(str)) then
 exit function
 end if
 for i=1 to len(str)
 str_unicode=str_unicode& hex(ascw(str_one))

end function

function urldecode(enstr)
 dim destr
 dim c,i,v
 for i=1 to len(enstr)
 if c="%" then
 if v<128 then
 if isvalidhex(mid(enstr,i,3)) then
 if isvalidhex(mid(enstr,i+3,3)) then
 end if
 end if
 end if
 if c="+" then
 destr=destr&" "
 end if
 end if
end function

function isvalidhex(str)
 dim c
 if len(str)<>3 then isvalidhex=false:exit function
 if left(str,1)<>"%" then isvalidhex=false:exit function
 if not (((c>="0") and (c<="9")) or ((c>="a") and (c<="z"))) then isvalidhex=false:exit function
 if not (((c>="0") and (c<="9")) or ((c>="a") and (c<="z"))) then isvalidhex=false:exit function
end function

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